shifting tides

if you even care


from newest to oldest

25/7/2024 - updated latest doings, adding dates from now on. fixed window buttons on 404 page. added a silly little easter egg related to S.A.M. in 404 page. updated discord tag. updated site rating from NYR to 14. changed garganta sound effect from a ripping_paper.mp3 being hosted on discord to S.A.M..

11/7/2024 - added new button.

7/7/2024 - updated potm.

4/7/2024 - updated latest doings. added and discord profiles to links. added a fucking garganta to index page. changed index background image. added 3 more buttons to home page. requested a join in weird games webring. requested a join in furryring.

3/7/2024 - added missing date to "updates" letter. wrote new letter: "i will do". minor changes to boxes width scaling.

29/6/2024 - fixed the left navbar top title contents not being centered properly with the image. fixed 404 page again. headers now have bigger margin. renamed stamps to buttons, since that's what i really was for. added new buttons. remade background grid, close and minimize images to nice svg's. added dates to letters. updated "latest doings" section in home, added "older doings". addedd the minimize and close buttons to the index page, not interactable however. wrote new letter: "updates".

28/6/2024 - wrote "introduction", "about" and "latest doings" sections on "open letters" and "home" pages. wrote new letter: "vacation". changed the cursor to a gauntlet. changed background to an upscaled image of eva-00 fishing. fixed 404 page. greatly improved js code.

26/6/2024 - automated some aspects with js, also added the minimize and close window features (they're freaking awesome!)

25/6/2024 - rewrote the entire site, didn't like the old format. just deleted everything and got my mind to fly. still need to add new journal (now named open letters) entries, automate the page creation process with js and fill everything with text.

15/6/2024 - (Hopefully)Finished the site. Took so long because school just straight up trolled me, and i wanted more stamps for the box.

30/5/2024 - Overhauled the site, major changes ongoing

28/5/2024 - Wrote new journal entry

26/5/2024 - Wrote new journal entry

26/5/2024 - Site structure is almost done! I'm almost excited... Real deal is going to be adding tons of pages and things to read.

24/5/2024 - Created the neocity.