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[ 28 / 6 / 2024 ]

good evening,

⠀the day of yesterday was marked by the commence of the so longed school vacation, that'll hopefully perdure untill the end of july if that 'lousy' education instituition allows. longed not by myself however, as no more than wishes meet the agenda, considering all the good humane errands relied outside.

⠀as expectations, i foresee great monotonic solitude whereas the bonding habilities were proven inefficient by the ocurrence of remarkable fear, also to be labelled as 'anxiety'. is with bitter honesty and conformity that i embrace the weakness perpetuating that new chapter of mine.

⠀and as per wishes, my feeble mind longs, and how it longs, for physicality between one and another. an firm grasp through the evening, not bothered by upcoming affairs, solely enjoying. pardon me for the confusing words, the shame and communication flaws still remains strong.

⠀obviously i am quite unsatisfied but still hopeful for the rest of the upcoming month.

⠀and i will be halting here for today with the weariness reaching it's peak. my next writing shall be detailing the said education instituition.

sadly, the hairy man